2018-2019 Comprehensive Catalog
“ ” Each volume examines developments in research as well as the ethical questions raised by continued scientific and technological advancements, doing so in an impartial and fair way that encourages students to draw their own conclusions. VERDICT: First-rate nonfiction for teens. — School Library Journal
Educational programs and curricula aremoving toward the concept of educating students in four important disciplines—science, technology, engineering, and math—utilizing an interdisciplinary approach. The books in the new STEM: SHAPING THE FUTURE series will provide curious students with answers to some key questions about themodern world. Each of these 80-page books is written in an easy-to-understand style, and includes numerous color illustrations and photographs. A glossary of terms, guides to additional resources for more information, links to video resources, text-dependent questions and report ideas, and a thorough index supplement the up-to-date information provided within the books.
Agraphic-rich layoutalertsreaderstoresearchprojects, terms,QRcode-compatibleon-lineresources,andcomprehension questions inthesidebars. UnliketypicalSTEM-basedresources,this interactivebook focusesonthe intersectionofscienceandmoralquandaries, and includesethicaldiscussionsongenetictesting,fertilityand abortion,andend-of-lifedilemmas.
— Booklist
4 VOLUME SET © 2017
Set ISBN ...........978-1-4222-3710-6 Hardcover Set Price ...........$133.08 $99.80 (S&L) Hardcover List Price ..............33.27 24.95 (S&L) Multi-User eBook List Price ...42.60 31.95 (S&L)
Full color • Library bound Trim Size: 7 x 9 • 80 pages Grade Level: 7-12
Artificial Intelligence...........................-3711-3 -8073-7 Computing and the Internet................ -3712-0 -8074-4 Genetic Engineering............................-3713-7 -8075-1 Medical Discoveries............................-3714-4 -8076-8 HBK ISBN E-ISBN
STEM IS THE HOTTEST BUZZWORD IN EDUCATION as a technology-driven future will be created by students learning science, technology, engineering, andmath. But STEM is not just for labs or think tanks, it’s for sports, too! In
this series, explore the ever-expanding connections between STEM and sports. Digital playbooks, high- tech fitness gear, analytics that build championship teams, new stadiums using the latest design innovations, &muchmore. See how top pro and college teams—along with weekend athletes—are using the advances in STEM to further their games. Set ISBN ...........978-1-4222-3230-9 Hardcover Set Price ...........$127.72 $95.80 (S&L) Hardcover List Price ..............31.93 23.95 (S&L) Multi-User eBook List Price ...39.93 29.95 (S&L) Full color • Library bound Trim Size: 7 ¼ x 9 ¼ • 64 pages Grade Level: 4-8 4 VOLUME SET © 2015 Engineering in Sports .......................... -3231-6 -8675-3 Math in Sports .....................................-3232-3 -8676-0 Science in Sports ................................ -3233-0 -8677-7 Technology in Sports ........................... -3234-7 -8678-4 HBK ISBN E-ISBN
” TheSTEM inSportsseriespersuasivelyemphasizesthemyriadwaysSTEM eldsareatwork intheworldofsports, ineverythingfromthegrassontheeld tothecameras intheskymonitoringthegoal line...Eachentrycloseswitha chapterthatposescriticalquestionsaboutthe impactoftheseadvances in sports,consideringeverythingfromfairnesstohealthtoeconomics. — Booklist
These fascinating titles examine innovations in scientific fields that “are giving…athletes a wide array of tools to improve performance and success...The books cover engineering advances such
as lightweight shirts & safer equipment as well as high-tech sports stadiums & scientific breakthroughs that include preventing and rehabilitating player injuries, designing prosthetics, and creating new guidelines for training and nutrition. • Sidebars and color photos are an additional plus. VERDICT: Great resources for report writers and fans alike. — School Library Journal
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