

For further information and where to visit, the following organizations, institutions, museums, and galleries house the works of Cézanne in the 21 st century.

USA Barnes Foundation, Merion, PA www.barnesfoundation.org Sixty paintings including Leda and The Swan Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York www.metmuseum.org Twenty-three paintings including Bathers

Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, MI www.dia.org Five paintings Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI www.risd.edu/museum.cfm Four paintings Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT www.artgallery.yale.edu Four paintings The Norton Simon Museum, Norton, Pasadena, California www.nortonsimon.org Four paintings

Carnegie Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, PA

www.cmoa.org Three paintings

Saint Louis Art Museum, Saint Louis, MO www.stlouis.art.museum Three paintings Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, MD www.artbma.org Two paintings Museum of Fine Arts, Houston www.mfah.org Two paintings McNay Art Museum, San Antonio, Texas www.mcnayart.org Two paintings Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio www.cincinnatiartmuseum.org Two paintings

National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC www.nga.gov Twenty-two paintings

Cézanne In The 21 st Century

Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA www.philamuseum.org Fourteen paintings Museum of Modern Art, New York www.moma.org Eleven paintings

Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio www.clevelandart.org Three paintings



Los Angeles County Museum of Art, LA www.lacma.org Three paintings

The Art Institute, Chicago www.artic.edu/aic/index.php Nine paintings

J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu, California www.getty.edu/museum Three paintings

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York www.guggenheim.org/new_york Seven paintings The Philips Collection, Washington, DC www.philipscollection.org Six paintings Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA www.artmuseums.harvard.edu/fogg/ Five paintings

Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, Ohio Two paintings

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA www.mfa.org Five paintings

(PA Photos)

 opposite:  The Cézanne and Beyond exhibition at the Philadelphia Museum of Art in Philadelphia, 2009.

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