
Series Glossary of Key Terms diagnostic: relating to an arthroscope, a device used for some surgeries doctorate: the highest level of college degrees endorphins: chemicals produced in the brain that reduce pain entrepreneurs: people who start their own companies imagery: the process of mentally experiencing all aspects of an event before it takes place incision: a cut made during some medical procedures doctorate: the highest level of college degrees internships: programs that let students gain work experience at their job, but for little or no pay kinesiology: the study of human movement ligament: a tissue that connects bones near a joint objective: based on facts or direct observation on call: available to perform a service any time it’s needed orthopedics: the branch of medicine that specializes in preventing and correcting problems with bones and muscles outpatient: taking place outside of a hospital physiology: the study of living organisms, specifically how cells, organs, and muscles work together practitioners: people who work in a medical field protocol: the usual series of steps taken to treat an injury psychologist: a person trained to help others solve mental and emotional problems rehabilitation: the treatments used to help someone recover from an injury residency: a program that medical professionals undergo after their school work to gain more knowledge and practical experience stinger: an injury to the neck and shoulder that sends a stinging pain down an athlete’s arm subjective: based more on opinion than fact temperament: personality traits that make someone likely to succeed or fail at a given task tendon: a tissue that connects a muscle to a bone workaholic: a person who works a lot, sometimes to excess


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