A new moon like the one pictured here can change ocean currents. The new moon can create strong tides that along with gravity can cause high tide flooding.

coast. They are the greatest threat to life and property, and can destroy boats and buildings, and add to the water levels of rivers and lakes inland. Depending on the size of the storm associated with the storm surge, storm surge flooding can last for several hours. There are times when the storm surge is more damaging than the storm that produced it. A sewer is an underground channel for carrying storm water runoff and waste matter. Sewers are important infrastructure for cities. Not only do they ensure that waste is properly disposed of, but they also assist in making sure water does not back up into city streets or people’s homes. There are two types of sewers used in each city: storm sewers and sanitary sewers. Storm sewers carry water runoff to the local rivers and streams while sanitary sewers carry waste matter to a wastewater treatment plant. Storm sewers are angled to ensure the water flows to the nearest body of water, but sanitary sewers are run by electrical pumps because the waste must be made to flow


Facing the Weather: Floods

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