
The Many Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet

When many people think of a complete meal, they form a certain image in their minds. It is based on a large portion of meat, such as a chicken breast, a beef patty, or bologna. This meat is definitely the star of the show. Everything else is treated as an afterthought and called a “side dish.” This meal might be served with a bun or white bread. A potato, French fries, or chips might fill out the plate. Vegetables, lettuce, or fruit may come to this party, but they are not seen as essential and are usually in a much smaller portion size than the meat. This is a very common way to build a meal, especially in wealthy countries like the United States. But there is another way—one that is healthier, better for the environment, and can be less expensive. It can also be more fun to eat and is beautiful for social media sharing. It’s called a plant-based diet .


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