flesh together, because it would be too hard to remove the seed. Other times, humans consume the fleshy part alone, or they only eat the seed inside. Cranberries, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries are all drupes, but so are some foods we call nuts, like almonds, cashews, pistachios, and coconuts. Some drupes are called “stone fruits” in everyday speech. Peaches, nectarines, olives, and plums are all drupes. When this book refers to nuts and seeds, it includes the things we call nuts that are technically drupes, because they have similar nutritional benefits. A legume is a member of the pea family, which includes seeds that grow in multi-seed pods like beans, lentils, peanuts, and chickpeas. The pod may be eaten, as is the case with a sugar snap pea, or it may be discarded, as is the case with a soybean. A peanut is technically a legume for which people don’t eat the pod, because it is hard and grows underground. But because the
Apricots are one example of stone fruits.
Nuts and Seeds for Health
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