Today, Zuckerberg is one of the most successful people working in online business. He’s changed the way people think about the Internet and created a hugely successful company. However, the entrepreneur had to work hard to create the company that would change his life.

dental office was attached to the family’s home, allowing Dr. Z to work nearby. Zuckerberg’s mother, Karen, worked as a psychiatrist for a time, but she left her job to care for Zuckerberg and his three sisters. She also worked in her husband’s dental office, helping him to run and organize his business. Edward’s dental practice exposed him to early computer technology , particularly when it came to X-rays and organizing his office. That experience with technology rubbed off on his son, helping to shape Zuckerberg’s interests early in his life. Edward introduced him to computer programming . He showed his son how to program using an Atari computer, an early, simple kind of home computer, much less powerful than the computers in homes today.


Story of a Startup

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