JENNY’S STORY: THE BEGINNINGS OF A FENTANYL ADDICTION Jenny is a good student who is shy and does not have a lot of friends. She has low self-esteem and thinks that she’s ugly and overweight—even though she is neither of these things. Although she gets “As” and “Bs,” she dreads going to school because she doesn’t feel good about herself and doesn’t have many friends. She also hates gym class and always seems to drop the ball, miss the open shot, or simply trip while she’s chasing an opponent. During a relay race on a hot day during gym class, she passes out as she stretches to grab the baton from her teammate and lands hard on her knee. Sadly, the result is a broken kneecap that is shattered in multiple places. After being rushed to the hospital, Jenny is treated for heat exhaustion and undergoes knee-reconstruction surgery that leaves her in pain for months. Her doctor, concerned about her pain, prescribes her fentanyl. They talk about how this drug works and she gives Jenny’s parents educational brochures that discuss its potential risks. The doctor encourages them to read the brochures but doesn’t discuss the risks verbally. “Your daughter’s been through a lot already,” the doctor says. “Let’s not worry her needlessly with these side effects just yet.” Jenny’s parents, Roberto and Juanita, are good parents and plan on talking about these symptoms

Jenny’s Story: The Beginnings of a Fentanyl Addiction


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