Eventually, her fentanyl prescription runs out, and her parents don’t get another, because the pain has decreased. However, Jenny starts noticing something strange every morning: she feels sick to her stomach and craves fentanyl. It scares her to feel this way, because she understands what addiction means, after learning about it in one of her physical health classes. “But I can’t be addicted,” she thinks to herself one night while trying to ignore the stomach cramps. “Addiction happens to other people or only when people use it for the wrong reasons. I got fentanyl legally, and I needed it. I still need it. My pain hasn’t gone away. That’s why I feel like I need it every morning. I have to talk to mom and dad about this tomorrow.” Jenny does just that the next morning and convinces her parents that she is still in pain. They trust her, because she’s always been a good daughter and never lies to them. They talk to their daughter and, though surprised, the physician extends the fentanyl prescription for another month. Jenny starts taking one every morning again and feels the positive emotions associated with her use return. Without meaning to, or realizing that it was happening, Jenny develops an addiction to fentanyl. Throughout the rest of this book, we’ll continue Jenny’s story as she experiences physical and emotional issues related to her abuse. Thankfully, we can report a happy ending for this young woman. Unfortunately, not everyone who becomes addicted to fentanyl is so lucky.

Jenny’s Story: The Beginnings of a Fentanyl Addiction


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