If many of the statements above describe you, then you should consider a career in the field. But don’t be deterred if you didn’t check most of the boxes. So many additional environmental occupations exist—such as nature photographer and environmental lawyer—that you are likely to find a great career that will match your skills and interests. In fact, this book provides information on more than 50 environmental careers. What’s Inside This Book In this book, you’ll receive answers to these and other questions: • What are some great careers in the field? • What are some key environmental terms that I should know? • What are some easy and more challenging ways to explore education and occupations in the field? • What advice do high school and college teachers have for aspiring environmental professionals? • What are some important professional associations in the field, and what types of resources do they provide to students, and to those just starting out in their career searches? • What environment-related books and websites should I check out? • How do I train for an environmental career? • How do I pay for my education, and are free training options available? • How do I land my first job in the field? • Does a career in the environment sound like a good fit for my interests and abilities? If so, read on to learn everything you need to know about exploring and preparing for the field.


Is an Environmental Career for You?

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