Nicotine Affects Learning Capabilities Nicotine is a chemical found in the tobacco plant, which has been chopped, smoked, chewed, and inhaled for centuries. When nicotine hits the bloodstream, it spreads throughout the body and ends up impacting various areas. When the brain is exposed to nicotine, it often reacts in ways that can be harmful to a teenager’s mental state. For example, nicotine can severely impact a teen’s learning capacity in subtle, but deeply rooted, ways. A teenager who smokes cigarettes may find it more difficult to focus in class. He or she may also struggle to retain the information that was taught. The teen’s grades may start slipping, and his or her behavior may start to change due to emotional troubles related to this diminishment of learning capacity. Even teenagers who use e-cigarettes or electronic vapor devices may find themselves at a higher risk of psychosocial problems and emotional problems related to learning. In many ways, the impact on the mind is the most troubling issue that adolescents experience due to nicotine. It is often at the root of more extensive issues—problems that can become lifelong struggles that may rob a person of years of their life.
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