THROWS FIRST NFL TOUCHDOWN PASS The first touchdown pass of Mahomes’ career featured several of the attributes that make himso incredibly difficult to defend: the vision, fabulous footwork, pinpoint accuracy, and ability to stand in and take a hit were on full display against the Los Angeles Chargers at the StubHubCenter duringWeek1of the2018NFL season. Taking the snap inshotgun formation ona 2nd-and-4playmidway through thefirst quarter, he zippedapass toTyreekHill cutting into themiddleof thefield just ashewasbeing takendownbyaChargers’ defensive lineman. The speedy Hill did the rest, blazing to the end zone untouched for a 58-yard score. It was Mahomes’ thirdpassof thedayandoneof four touchdownpasseshethrewontheafternoonin

the 38–28 Kansas City win. It was the first of two touchdowntosses toHill (theotherwas a 1-yarder in the fourth quarter).

Mahomes connects with Tyreek Hill on a 58-yard score against the Los Angeles Chargers in Week 1 of the 2018 season for his first NFL touchdown pass.



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