Explore the link between food, exercise, and sleep.
CANYOU EATWHATEVER YOUWANT IF YOU EXERCISE? The short answer is no. Remember, nutrition directly contributes to your overall health. Food is somuchmore than calories. It contains the proteins you need to build muscle, the carbohydrates (carbs) you need for energy, or the fats you need to build your cells. It also contains micronutrients—vitamins and minerals that help to start your metabolismor maintain homeostasis . Young people need enough protein tomake new tissue, growbone, and develop hormonally. Moreover, the need for vitamins andminerals increases during adolescence. Themore high-quality food you consume, the greater the chance you get the necessary nutrients. According to research, eating any less than 1800 calories per daymakes it tough to consume enough vitamin A, copper, vitamin B6, iron, or magnesium. So, while exercise is healthy, it doesn’t automatically negate anything unhealthy you put into your body.
Connecting Fitness and Nutrition
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