A person who gives in to negative peer pressure often feels guilty or disappointed afterward for acting in a way that violates his or her core beliefs or values.

them for a few months but have finally given up. Success! They may have accepted you as who you are and may still hang out with you at least a few times a week. But every time you hang out, they are vaping around you. In those situations, you may feel left out because they all vape together, talk about their vaping fluids, or perform what looks like fun tricks with the vapor. Part of you feels like you are being left behind, and you may feel pressure from within to conform. That anxiety— often called the Fear of Missing Out (or FOMO) may cause you to join in vaping long after your friends no longer care whether you do it or not. When something like this happens, counselors say that the young person has given in to “indirect” peer pressure. Direct peer pressure would include verbal actions taken by your friends to encourage


The Nature of Peer Pressure

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