It can be very hard for young people to resist encouragement from friends to join in their activities. Most people want to “fit in” with the crowd.

you to smoke. However, indirect peer pressure is unspoken, because nobody is trying to get you to change. Instead, you change on your own because you want to fit in with your friends. And that is a totally understandable reaction. That said, it is a shame that so many people do such a good job resisting the verbal peer pressure of their friends, only to give into pressure from themselves. That’s because any friend, if they are truly worth your time, won’t care whether or not you smoke or vape with them. They will still hang out with you and care about you. Some might even respond to your positive peer pressure and stop smoking or vaping, because they see that you do so well without having to resort to these unhealthy practices.


Peer Pressure to Smoke or Vape: Finding the Strength in You

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