person or a bad influence just because you smoke. But that normalization is what can make indirect peer pressure so hard to combat. So, while it is true to say that you don’t change in a meaningful way when you try a cigarette, something does change inside of you. You learn what it is like to smoke a cigarette or vape. Maybe you’ll turn your back on it and never do it again. Many people your age try out a cigarette or only smoke very briefly before they quit and never pick up another cigarette again. But don’t forget that peer pressure can influence the way you dress, the way you behave, your body image, and even your future. Giving in to it opens you up for major changes in who you are as a person—changes that you might not be ready to deal with yet. Sadly, peer pressure may cause you to damage yourself in ways that you may find hard to accept.

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Peer Pressure to Smoke or Vape: Finding the Strength in You

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