special occasions. For them, binging is the norm. Binge eating is the most prevalent eating disorder in America.” 1 People who compulsively overeat generally do so alone and in private. The person is often ashamed and embarrassed by how much he or she eats or behaves. The person knows something is wrong and that these eating habits are not normal. Binge eaters keep their binging a secret and will often hide food around the house or sneak food from the refrigerator at night. They may end up telling lies or making excuses about eating behavior and weight to cover these eating habits. Bulimia Nervosa Unlike someone who is suffering from an anorexia eating disorder where food intake is restricted, the person with bulimia nervosa regularly eats much more food in a single sitting than most people normally consume. It is not unusual for individuals who are bulimic to ingest anywhere from 5,000 to 10,000 calories in a matter of minutes or hours. Afterwards, the person almost immediately purges the food from their body to prevent the calories from being absorbed and to prevent getting fat. In most cases, the person with bulimia purges by self-induced vomiting, excessive exercise, or use of laxatives, enemas, or diuretics. Bulimia is more commonly known as the binge and purge eating disorder. Bulimia is not just about food; it is also related to self-image, and for that reason can be hard to overcome. People with bulimia tend to be overly concerned or even obsessed with both food and body weight, and are often quite dissatisfied with their own physical appearances. This dissatisfaction causes the person to judge himself or herself very harshly, and leads to a vicious cycle of binge eating and purging. The person has a strong urge to overeat, which results in binging, followed by a purge to prevent weight gain.
Introduction to Eating Disorders
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