Drones are capable of carrying objects and tools. Some have sensors and cameras, some deliver packages, and some execute military functions. The capabilities and functions of drones are numerous and continue to grow. Drone designs vary widely. One of the most recognizable flight designs has four upward-facing propellers, one on each corner of the craft. These drones, called quadcopters, have found uses in commercial photography, wildlife surveying, disaster relief, and farming. They are also used recreationally for hobby flying and competitive racing. Drones have greatly benefited scientific research efforts. Since they are able to travel to places humans cannot, drones allow scientific explorations that would be treacherous, or even impossible otherwise. Drones can survey dangerous places without risk to the operator. When a deadly earthquake and tsunami hit Japan in 2011, they caused a nuclear disaster. Numerous nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant were severely damaged, leaking lethal levels of radiation into the atmosphere. To survey the damage and measure radioactivity, scientists sent drones and other equipment into the danger zone. The data gathered by this equipment provided crucial information about damaged reactors. Scientists could pinpoint where the damage occurred and how extensive it was. This allowed them to strategically plan for repairs to the power plant without being exposed to dangerous radiation. SCIENTIFIC STUDIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL SURVEYS
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