A dog that is kept mentally and physically engaged is a happy dog that will be more likely to sleep than find trouble around the house.
everyone they meet, even if they are uncomfortable in certain situations. It is therefore vital to socialize your dog by giving her good experiences in the presence of all kinds of people, animals and environments. Doing so at a young age will give her confidence and lessen the chance of her experiencing anxiety and discomfort in adulthood.” Giving Your Dog Enough Exercise You will also need to ensure that your dog receives enough exercise. According to veterinarian Susan O’Dell, “No matter the size of the dog, every pup needs a physical outlet to expend extra energy and maintain health and fitness. Regular exercise can improve your dog’s mental health and reduce some behaviors done out of anxiety or boredom.” The amount of exercise that your animal will need will vary depending upon its breed, size, energy level, overall health, and age.
Owning a Dog
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