THE WORLD OF ENGINEERS Do you find yourself wondering how something works? Have you ever taken a complex object apart just to see if you could put it back together again? Do you see something that already exists and wonder how you could make it even better? If so, you may already be on your way to becoming an engineer! Engineers are problem solvers who like learning everything they can. Engineers can become experts in various fields of science, such as mathematics, chemistry, computer science, and physics. Then they use this knowledge to help the world. Some engineers work on physical objects, such as machines or bridges. Other engineers are programmers who design software for computers or other devices. Others are experts in biological or chemical processes. Engineers may invent something new or improve something that already exists. Sometimes they are asked to repair a broken object so that it can work again. Becoming a female engineer can seem challenging. This is because engineers need many years of education, and women have not always been able to obtain an equal

THE BEST ENGINEERING JOBS Each year, U.S. News & World Report creates a list of the best jobs in the United States. Those that rank high on its list offer an excellent salary, strong employment prospects with lots of jobs available, good work/life balance , and low or manageable stress levels. Here are its top engineering-related jobs: please revise this list so it reads as follows: 1. Mechanical engineer 2. Cartographer 3. Petroleum engineer 4. Civil engineer 5. Biomedical engineer 6. Architect 7. Environmental engineer 8. Environmental engineering technician



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