makes you feel uncomfortable, leave the area immediately. Trust your instincts. If someone makes you feel strange, get away from that person as quickly as possible. Call an adult, tell them what’s happening, or call 911. If a stranger tries to entice you to go with them or get into a car, don’t do it! Leave the area as fast as you can, and call 911. Check the Weather Anglers, professional and amateur alike, agree that the weather plays a very important part in the sport of catching fish. Be sure and check the weather forecast before you plan a fishing trip. Knowledge of the weather and its effect on fish can help you become a better angler. Temperature Fish are cold-blooded creatures and rely on the water to warm them up or cool them down. Cold or warm, the water temperature affects how many fish you’ll catch or whether you catch any at all. Each type of fish prefers a different degree of warmth or cold, and that determines whether the fish will more aggressively seek food. Warm water makes some freshwater fish more active and likely to snap at your baited hook. However, if hot summer weather causes the water to become too warm, there’s less available oxygen, and the fish have a harder time breathing. When stressed by hot weather, fish don’t eat, and that means an unsuccessful fishing expedition for an angler.
How to Spot the Best Place to Fish
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