so the ice won’t melt. One option is to cover the cooler with a waterproof tarp. Ideally, you should transport fish packed in ice, especially if you are traveling long distances. Don’t just lay the fish on top of the ice in a cooler, but cover the fish completely. Layer the fish with ice for maximum cooling effect. Some anglers prefer to scale and clean the fish before storing the fillets in a cooler of ice. If you are transporting the fish live, make sure there's enough water in the container for the fish to survive the trip. Keep the fish container out of direct sunlight. Keeping the fish alive until it’s time to clean and cook them is one way to ensure they are fresh and free of spoilage, which can make you very sick. Some anglers believe that if a fish is allowed to thrash around violently in a boat or on the shore, the flesh gets bruised, making it not so tasty when eaten. You will need the following tools to properly clean your fish: cutting board, knife or fish descaling tool (like the one pictured in the upper photo) and disposable gloves. A pair of poultry scissors might also come in handy.
Preparing and Enjoying the Fish You Catch
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