Choose the best-made fishing kayak you can afford. If you can only afford to buy a cheaper one right now, plan to replace it sooner than later and don’t go far from the shore in it. Don’t use inflatable kayaks for fishing. These boats lack the sturdiness of construction needed for fishing. Picking Your Paddle The type of paddle you choose for your kayak is an important decision too. For top performance, don’t pick a paddle that’s too long, too heavy, or both. Such paddles cause an angler to move in an awkward manner and tire quickly. When boating in a kayak, you can glide almost silently across the water. As you glide, watch the surface of the water for any signs of the fish rising . When you spot a place where fish rise to the top to grab bugs, you know it’s a great fishing spot. Where the fish are feeding, they’ll bite a hook! Fish get very excited when they detect the presence of insects and they go into a feeding frenzy, biting anything that moves. Look for the signs of fish rising: • A cloud of insects over the water • A small splash (or several) • A fish's head poking just a bit out of the water • A small area of swirling water • A fish leaping from the water

Choosing a Fishing Kayak


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