“My mom was a massive Beatles fan. We’d sit in [my mom’s] car … and we’d listen to Abbey Road, and she’d quiz me about which Beatle was singing a certain song.” Levine attended the famed Brentwood School in Los Angeles, an expensive private school that boasts an impressive list of alumni: Emmy Award- winning actress Jennifer Landon; Titantic and Avatar producer Jon Landau; actor Fred Savage, who starred in TheWonderYears ; Olympic gymnastics gold medalist Peter Vidmar; and socialite and model Princess Talita von Fürstenberg are among the many noteworthy individuals who have traipsed through its hallways. It was on the Brentwood campus where Levine met Jesse Carmichael, Mickey Madden, and Ryan Dusick, who would become important figures in his climb through the music industry when he recruited them to be in his teen band. BIG DREAMS By the time Levine reached his high school years, music consumed him and dreams of becoming a rock star grabbed ahold of him and never let go.

Levine’s band Kara’s Flowers played gigs around Los Angeles and Hollywood.


a star is born

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