If you’re thinking about a career in law enforcement but are unsure, ask yourself the following questions: • Do I like helping others? • Do I have good problem-solving and critical-thinking skills? • Am I looking for a career in which I will be respected and looked up to in the community? • Am I seeking a career that is never boring and in which no day is ever the same? • Am I willing to risk injury, and possibly death, as I carry out my duties? • Am I looking for a career that is good paying, offers generous benefits, and does not always require a college degree? • Am I looking for a career inwhich there is currently a shortage of workers and many new job opportunities? If you answered yes to these questions, there’s a strong chance that a career as a police officer or detective is a good match for your interests and skills. As you consider a career in law enforcement, talk to police officers and detectives about their jobs, join school law enforcement clubs or police cadet programs offered by law enforcement departments, and participate in other activities that help you to learn more about careers in policing. The more information you have, the easier it will be to make a decision.


There have been many stories in the news lately about the public’s loss of respect for police officers due to high-profile incidents of police misconduct . But a survey conducted in thirty-five countries by the global education charity Varkey Foundation found that the public ranked the career of police officer as the fifth most respected occupation out of fourteen popular careers.


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