Hits for the Cycle at Age Twenty-One When Mike Trout took a called third strike on his first visit to the plate in a late May game against visiting Seattle during the 2013 season, it was a less-than- auspicious start to an evening that would land in the history books hours later. Trout, at the age of twenty-one, became the youngest AL player to hit for the cycle. Following that initial strikeout Trout produced an infield single in the third inning and a triple in the fourth; he rapped a double in the sixth that knocked in three runs; and he finished his historical night in grand fashion with a home run in the eighth off Lucas Luetge. Trout drove in five runs as the Angels trounced Seattle 12–0. It marked the sixth time in Angels’ history that a player had hit for the cycle and the first since Chone Figgins did so against Texas in 2006.
Trout became the youngest player in AL history to hit for the cycle, when the twenty-one-year-old collected a single, double, triple, and home run against visiting Seattle during the 2013 season.
Mike Trout
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