There’s a story about two young fish swimming in a river. An old fish swims by and says hello (yes, the fish in this story talk). Then the old fish says, “The water is very nice today, isn’t it?” After the old fish has swum away, one young fish turns to the other and says, “What’s water ?” As a digital native, social media is the water you and your friends all swim in. It’s all around you, all the time. This creates an interesting sort of paradox. On the one hand, you are likely an expert in how to use social media; flicking around on a phone is a totally natural experience for you. On the other hand, you may not have given much thought to what social media actually is or how it works behind the scenes. But the more you know about the “water” you’re in, the better a swimmer you will be. What Is Social Media? First things first: What do we mean when we say “social media”? The term refers to networked websites and apps that use the Internet to facilitate communications between users. These days, the most important social media platforms are Social Media Basics
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