Understanding Suicide
When a suicide occurs, people who care about the person are often left wondering why. What situation could be so bad that a person would choose to end their life? Loved ones often torture themselves with agonizing questions that will never be answered: Did I say something wrong? Should I have done something differently? Was it this, was it that? And, of course , Why did this happen? But as much as we long for simple answers, usually there is no clear-cut or straightforward explanation. Instead, a number of very complex factors are at play. You’ve probably heard the expression “the last straw.” It comes from an old proverb, “it was the last straw that broke the camel’s back,” or, in an even older version, “it was the last feather that broke the horse’s back.” Whether it’s a straw or a feather, the proverb refers to the idea that a slow accumulation of small problems can become overwhelming all of a sudden. The proverb may help us understand what is going on with people who attempt suicide. Their actions
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