Mental illnesses have been part of life as long as human beings have existed. Like physical illnesses, mental health problems can strike anyone at any time. Some peo- ple are born with mental health issues, and others develop them later in life. But while these concerns are common, they aren’t talk- ed about in the same way as physical health
issues. Why? Because of the stigma surrounding them. Creating conditions where people are comfortable having open conversations about mental health can help people with these disorders live better, fuller, and happier lives. In order to understand mental health, people must first have a clear picture of what mental health is. This includes more than “what people think.” It encompasses social, psychological, and emotional strength and well being. Relating to other people, handling stress in healthy ways, and making good choices are all a part of mental health, and all of these things can be disturbed when mental illness occurs. For example, someone who has depression may not make good choices when it comes to hygiene or proper eat- ing, because they are struggling to care about taking good
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