How Is Fentanyl Legally Used? Physicians prescribe fentanyl legally to help control pain after surgery. They may also prescribe fentanyl for people who are in extreme pain at the end of their lives, especially cancer patients. Mayo Clinic pain management specialist Dr. Michael Hooten said that fentanyl is more dangerous than other opiates because it is “many, many times more potent than morphine, oxycodone, Oxycontin, Vicodin, Dilaudid, hydromorphone” and other similar pain medications. Cancer patients or others with persistent pain can experience “breakthrough” pain. Breakthrough pain means severe pain that “breaks through” less potent pain medication. Fentanyl can help to relieve breakthrough pain. Fentanyl is also legally used as anesthesia for patients who are having open heart surgery. It may also be used during other types of surgery on people whose hearts aren’t functioning well. Fentanyl is also prescribed for people who have taken other kinds of pain medication and developed a tolerance.


Fibromyalgia is a medical condition that causes pain in skin, muscles and joints. “Rainydaygirl” has fibromyalgia and is one of 622 patients who reported using fentanyl patches to relieve chronic pain on a patient user website. She used a fentanyl patch with a 25 mcg (microgram) dose for more than 14 years safely to relieve chronic pain.


Who Uses Fentanyl?

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