T he Earth is wrapped in a blanket of atmosphere, made up of many gases. Some of these gases, known as the greenhouse gases (GHGs), have the ability to trap and store the heat radiated by the Earth. The Earth’s atmosphere is kept slightly warmer due to the greenhouse ef- fect. This natural phenomenon enables the existence of life on Earth. However, human activities are gradually destroying the delicate balance of na- ture by releasing an excess of GHGs into the atmosphere. This has harmful effects on the global climate and topography . As global warming increases, its effects are felt worldwide. Sea levels are rising and now the Earth is covered with a warmer atmospheric layer near the ground. GHGs such as carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), methane, and nitrous oxide are added to the atmosphere due to daily human activities. There is a great need for individ- uals and businesses to reduce their carbon footprint to prevent global warming.

Greenhouse Effect An increase in the concentration of GHGs also increases the magnitude of the green- house effect. This leads to a rise in the tem- perature of the Earth’s surface. This rise in temperatures is causing global warming, which in turn accounts for major climatic changes in our planet.

CLIMATE CHANGE: Problems and Progress


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