Participating in an apprenticeship is a good option for those who want to earn while they learn.

longer than a vocational school education, typically about four years (although some are shorter), and sometimes require apprentices to take classes at local community colleges (which offer short-term training opportunities and associates degrees). More than 150,000 employers in the United States offer apprenticeships, according to the USDL. Apprenticeships are also available throughout the world. Some jobs do not require any type of formal training, just on-the-job training. These positions don’t typically pay a lot, but they serve as a good way to make money while you train for another career or try to choose an occupational path. Finally, many people prepare for careers by joining the military. The armed forces offer training in a wide variety of careers—from electronics and health care to law enforcement and cybersecurity. Before you decide whether or not to go to college, you should do the following things:


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