YOUR FUTURE CAREER FROM STUDENT TO PROFESSIONAL One thing is certain in life unless you win big in the lottery: You will graduate from high school and either need to get a job, go to college, or train for a career in some way. But don’t be scared by the fact that you’ll have to get a job someday and make your ownmoney andway in theworld. This is one of themost exciting times of your life. When you graduate from high school, you’ll finally be considered a young adult. You’ll have freedom that you could only dream about during those times when your momand dad told you to clean your room, do your homework, or go to bed at a certain time. You’ll get to make your own decisions regarding where you’ll live (many high school grads still live at home, so don’t get too worried about that yet), what career you’ll pursue, and how you’ll train for it. There are many ways to prepare for a career, which we’ll discuss in this chapter.

Your Future Career 7

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