tion of fear be applied to the cat as well? The major difference between a cat and a human is that whereas both will flee from the dog, a human, of course, is capable of thinking about the situation and perhaps assessing the consequences of different forms of reaction. The cat’s response is primarily instinctual, and although it may be able to learn from its experience and avoid dogs in the future, it does not have the powers of reasoning a human employs. This is understood. However, odder aspects of an animal’s behavior will inevitably intrigue us. And when we are unable to explain rationally what an animal is doing, we often attribute to it human traits—however erroneous they may be. Only careful and painstaking study will reveal the true meaning of an animal’s behavior.

the animal looking as it does. Our interest lies in discovering and under­ standing the appearance and resultant behavior of these animals. In the study of animal behavior, it is tempting to attribute to them human emotions. Anthropomorphism, the term used to describe the ascription of human characteristics to animals, is not uncommon with scientists as well as laypeople. If a person runs away from a barking dog, it is said to be due to fear. There are recognizable signs of this fear: color draining from the face, increased heart rate, sweating, and hair standing on end. Similar physiological changes occur in animals—a cat’s hair stands on end, for example, if it is confronted by the same barking dog, and naturally the cat flees from danger. Could the emo­

The giant water beetle, a voracious predator, will tackle almost anything its own size and some­ times even larger. This one is in the process of consuming a salamander larva, aided by tightly gripping front claws and sharp jaws. The pink and maroon colors of this cleaner shrimp perfectly match the hues of the sea anemone on this reef off the Bahamas upon which it rests. This intriguing crustacean cleans visiting fish of parasites, performing a useful role in the coral reef community.


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