across the Antarctic and subantarctic regions. When not on land for the breed- ing season, most penguins live far out at sea in the cold oceanic waters for months at a time. Occasionally hitching a ride on an iceberg, they thrive on the harsh con- ditions found at the bottom of the world. Penguin behavior is as unusual as their appearance. These birds have developed noisy, elaborate courtship rituals that take weeks to complete and lead to strong pair bonds that sometimes last a lifetime. Males and females share equally in the strenuous task of incubating their eggs and then rearing their young—a task that takes many weeks. Penguins are highly adapted to a life at sea. The Emperor penguin, for example, can dive to the astonishing depth of 1,300 feet (more than 400 meters) and stay sub- merged for almost 18 minutes. Scientists

continue to puzzle over how penguins can stay underwater for so long without breathing and how they canwithstand the changes in water pressure as they dive to such depths and then surface rapidly. The mystery of penguins is part of their attraction. Although recent research has begun to answer many of our questions about penguins, much about penguin life remains deeply mysterious to us. We still don’t know, for example, wheremanypen- guin species go when they disperse out to sea after the breeding season is over. We are unable to explain how penguins can gain weight with amazing rapidity and then go without eating, sometimes for weeks on end, as they incubate their eggs or grow a new set of feathers. The answers may help us not only understand and appreciate penguins more but also understand more about our own bodies.

A group of Adelie penguins hitch a ride on an ice floe—a common sight in subantarc- tic and Antarctic waters. Sometimes so many penguins crowd onto the ice that others are forced to jump off.

Penguin courtships are highly ritualized and complex. Here male and female Emperor penguins touch bills as part of a noisy ritual that includes loud calling and a wide range of stylized behavior.


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