only a few minutes but leaves a deep and lasting impression. Experiences such as this may occur only once in a lifetime for those who normally rely on words and pictures for their informa- tion about these superb creatures, but even to the seasoned observer, who frequently encounters whales and dolphins in their natural habitats, this type of observa- tion can still be an inspiration. We cannot easily enter the world of the whale, but when it briefly enters our world by appearing at the sea’s surface, it invariably provides a memorable experience.
the surface and moves rapidly toward the intense feeding activ- ity. The massive black-and-white back of a male killer whale, or orca, breaks through the boil- ing water, scattering dolphins and gannets, and then disap- pears as quickly as it appeared. Twice more the fin emerges from the water, followed by the bulk of the powerful body, and then it is gone, disappearing as quickly as it came. The mackerel shoal van- ishes, the gannets fly off elsewhere in search of fish, and the dol- phins put in no further appear- ances. The whole spectacle lasts
The humpback whale is bulkier in appearance than most rorquals. This mother and calf were photographed off the coast of Hawaii.
Bow-riding bottle- nosed dolphins often accompany boats, swimming over to them for a while and then, when tired of the experience, swimming away again to resume their normal activities. From time to time they will roll over to look at the human watchers in the boats above.
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