spend most of their time in dreary, windowless laboratories or offices. While they do spend lots of time in the laboratory or offices, they also spend time in the field, testing, troubleshooting, and trying out their inventions or discoveries. Some science professionals launch their own businesses, which can be both fun and very rewarding. Job opportunities are available throughout the United States and the world. Science professionals play such an important role in our modern world that there are jobs almost anywhere, although many positions are found in big cities.
IS A CAREER IN SCIENCE RIGHT FOR ME? Test your interest. How many of these statements do you agree with?
___ I am curious about how things work.
___ My favorite classes in school are computer- and science-related. ___ I like to learn about scientific breakthroughs.
___ I enjoy writing computer code.
___ I like to invent things.
___ I have a good imagination.
___ I like to use technology to solve problems.
___ I like to build electronics and other things that require electricity.
___ I like to build and fix things.
___ I enjoy doing science experiments.
___ I am good at math.
If many of the statements above describe you, then you should consider a career in the sciences. But you don’t need to select a career right now. Check out this book on a career as an alternative reality developer, and other books in the series, to learn more about occupational paths in the sciences and related fields. Good luck with your career exploration!
Introduction 9
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