Words to Understand Dominant view: The established and controlling cultural perspective. Normativity: The set of standards to which individuals are expected to conform based on certain characteristics that they may possess, which have been identified as controlling by the dominant view. Privilege: The benefits that accompany possessing one of the characteristics that characterize the dominant view of normativity. Tokenism: The process of including members of an underrepresented group to make it appear that the organization includes a full array of perspectives, even though everyone’s individual thoughts and values are not fully represented by the organization.

A lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning person faces a specific set of challenges when interacting with the world due to their sexual orientation and gender. In some cases, this means that people assume that a person will act a certain way or make a certain decision because that person is LGBTQ. In other instances, a person may be treated a certain way because they are perceived to be LGBTQ. However, when an individual’s identity includes membership in an additional

A lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning person faces a specific set of challenges.


Understanding Intersectionality

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