If you are asked why you won’t become friends with coworkers on social media, you can state that you don’t really use them much. If it is an individual you supervise, simply state that being friends on social media is not allowed. There are rules in most companies regarding social media use, and it is your job to know what the rules are. When you are in a committed domestic partnership or married to your same-sex partner, your partner may be entitled to receive benefits such as health insurance from your new job. While it might make you nervous about setting up benefits for your same-sex partner, understand that the human resources department must keep any information you share about your private life confidential. As an employee in any company, there may be times when you come across insensitive people. You may feel as though the environment is harsh or even dangerous for those who are LGBTQ. If you come across people who are homophobic, you don’t have to handle them on your own. You can talk to your supervisor or take your concerns to the human resources department. You have the right to feel safe at work, and you should speak to your immediate supervisor first if you feel uncomfortable. Discrimination happens for many reasons. People can be discriminated against because of their sexual identity, age, skin color, and more. It isn’t always easy to prove discrimination, but it occurs in many forms for a wide range of people. If you feel that you are The Rise of Social Media Social media began around 1999, when blogging started and became popular among users. Facebook was developed in 2004 and quickly became the most widely used social media network available, gaining ground of a similar profile- sharing site called MySpace. Facebook is the number one social media network used among those over 30 years old, while other sites such as Instagram and Snapchat are more popular among younger social media users. Employers have had to develop social media policies to address the use and friendship development between employees, those they supervise, and clients.

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