This lithograph shows Federal Hall (at the end of the street) in the 1790s. The first session of the U.S. Congress was held at Federal Hall in New York City. The House of Representatives hoped to begin work on March 4, 1789, but it did not achieve a quorum of its members until April 1.
some congressmen. In those days, people journeyed across the country by horse over crude, rough roads. Sometimes no roads existed at all. Many congressmen had to travel hundreds of miles, even a thousand miles, to get to New York. A simple rainstorm could postpone travel for an entire day. On April 1, 1789, a thirtieth member of the House showed up at Federal Hall, then the home of Congress. Finally, the House had a quorum and could start busi- ness. Some members were nervous about opening the House on April Fool’s Day, but it was time to move forward. Five days later, the Senate gained a quorum as well, and Congress was now ready to count the electoral ballots. Once that was accomplished, a messenger was sent to inform Washington of his election officially. Washington finally arrived in New York on April 23, and a week later his inau- guration was held. When the moment finally came, Washington stepped out onto
THE house of Representatives
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