An Overview of Impeachment
Impeachment: A charge of wrongdoing or misconduct against a public official that may result in termination from office. Indict: To formally charge someone of a crime. Mandate: An instruction to do something in a certain way. Words to Understand T he impeachment process is one of the most serious and solemn of government proceedings. It can result in the trial and conviction of a president of the United States and immediate removal from office. Despite all the drama, intrigue, and gravity that surround this remark- able judicial process, however, impeachment is poorly understood by most Americans. Many people believe that the term impeached implies that an offi- cial has been convicted of the charges brought against him or her. Others believe that a leader who has been impeached has been kicked out of office after having been found guilty. Still others assume that only a pres- ident can be impeached. Many Americans are convinced that President Richard Nixon was impeached but that President Bill Clinton was not.
The impeachment process may not formally involve opinions from the general public, however, protests may occur. Here, a protester stands outside the Capitol Building calling for the impeachment of President Nixon.
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