Thevastmajorityof Iranianspracticea formof religion that is called Shi’a Islam . Shi’a is one of two major branches of Islam, the other being Sunni. Iran is unique in that its population is overwhelmingly Shi’a.Most otherMiddleEastern countries are dominated by Sunnis. Iran’s postrevolutionary government bound itself to an interpre- tation of Islamic law called Sharia . Sharia law is seen as inseparable from government. This has created a government like no other. Bound to serve and protect its people through direct inspiration from God, the Iranian government has passed laws that aim to protect people spiritually and economically. The reality is more complex. Some laws with good intentions have been corrupted when put into effect. Religion has been used to negate popular laws and even imprison people. Iran’s government harnesses and imprisons those who disagree with its specific kind of religious-based government. No one who criticizes it is safe, not even powerful people. Members of the gov- ernment may hold prominent posts one day and find themselves under house arrest the next for saying something too critical. But not all thought is oppressed. Great educational institutions go with great empires, and the tradition continues in Iran, even after the old empires have faded.This gives Iran an upper hand in
Each year, Iranians take to the streets to celebrate the Iranian Revolution of 1979.
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