The diet that excludes animal products is known as veganism. People become vegans for several reasons or philosophies. People who consider themselves “ethical vegans” don’t use or consume animal products in any form—not only do they not eat animal products but they also avoid
leather products. By contrast, “dietary vegans” focus on eliminating animal products from their diet. Others, sometimes called “environmental vegans,” are focused on how the use of animal products can damage the environment.
VEGETARIANISM Vegetarians don’t eat meat, but they do consume other products from animals, like m i l k , b u t t e r, cheese, and so on. Vegetarians may avoid products that contain animal parts,
such as gelatin, which is made
from meat by-products s u c h a s b o n e marrow. As long as vegetar i ans are careful about getting enough protein in their diets, vegetari- anism is considered to be very heathy.
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