Copingwith Sexual violence and Harassment


You may have heard the statistics. One in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys are sexually abused before turning 18 years old. About 20 percent of American women are raped at some point in their lives. An online survey in 2018 found that approximately 81 percent of women have experienced some form of harassment. Crimes like these have been happening for a very long time, but stigma surrounding these issues has largely kept them in the shadows. Recent events such as the Me Too movement, the criminal prosecutions of men like Bill Cosby and Dr. Larry Nassar, and the controversy surrounding the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court have brought media attention to sexual violence and harassment. As it often happens, increased media attention to a social problem is excellent in many ways — the availability of information can help people avoid being victimized, while also letting survivors know that they are not alone. Unfortunately, the media spotlight sometimes shines more heat than light, leaving us with even more questions than we had when we started. That is particularly true for young

people, who are just dipping their toes into the proverbial dating pool and taking their first steps into the workplace. Two volumes in this set ( Preventing Sexual Assault and Harassment and Coping with Sexual

Teen Dating Violence Hotline 1-866-331-9474 TTY: 1-866-331-8453 En Español: 1−800−799−7233 Text: “loveis” to 22522


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