study of a sexual assault prevention program called Real Consent. They found that six months after the program was held, rates of sexual assault among participants had dropped by 73 percent compared to a control group. This suggests that greater education
Myth: If someone doesn’t report a sexual assault right away, it probably didn’t happen or wasn’t all that bad. Truth: There are a lot of reasons survivors don’t report immediately. They may fear retribution from their attacker, or that they won’t be believed. They may feel pressured by others to stay silent, or their own shame may silence them.
about the issue creates an opportunity to make a real difference.
Large-scale social problems are, at their base, collections of actions taken
by individuals. When viewed this way—as a series of small choices made by large numbers of people—preventing sexual misconduct seems like a more achievable goal. Not every assault can be stopped all at once, but we can make gradual change, one person at a time. In these pages, you’ll find out about the myriad types of sexual misconduct and why they occur. We’ll bust some common myths about sex and relationships. You’ll also get some guidance about choices that could help reduce your risk of ending up on the receiving end of sexual misconduct. You, your friends, and your community can all be part of the solution and help end sexual assault and harassment.
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