Tissues are a group of similar type of cells that perform similar functions. Tissues that are similar combine and form organs. Tissues cover the surface of the body and its organs, and they line the internal spaces. They provide insulation to the body, store fat and energy, and help in motion and posture. There are four types of tissues in the human body: epithelium, connective, muscle, and nervous tissue. Epithelial Tissues Epithelial tissues cover the external and internal surfaces

of the body and its organs. They are made of cells that are closely packed together and arranged in one or more layers. They do not have blood vessels but can absorb nutrients from other tissues lying underneath. Functions Epithelial tissues protect the body from the outside world


digestive tract: a long tubelike structure made up of different organs. glands: parts of the body that produce substances such as hormones. immunity: the body’s ability to resist infection. musculoskeletal system: the system that comprises the skeleton and muscles of the body.


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