Waterborne diseases spread through water that is contaminated with microorganisms. The contamination of water can occur for many reasons, such as accidental mixing of harmful substances in water, fecal contamination of water, improper cleaning, and so on. Most waterborne diseases are not fatal, but they are extremely unpleasant. But proper care, hygiene practices, and vaccination should be followed to avoid the occurrences of waterborne diseases. Cholera Cholera is a bacterial waterborne disease that is spread by drinking contaminated water. The bacteria release a toxin in the body that leads to the production of excessive water in the small intestine. The common symptoms of cholera are severe pain in the abdomen, watery diarrhea, excessive thirst, and lack of tears. The disease commonly occurs during times of flood, famine, and in places that have poor hygiene. Hepatitis A and E Hepatitis A and hepatitis E are two common waterborne diseases, although you can also get them through contact with someone who is already infected. These diseases spread through water that is
hygiene: cleanliness. intravenous: through the veins. jaundice: a condition involving yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes. toxin: a poisonous substance.
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