Protection against Germs Most germs are spread through the air by sneezing or coughing, and touching. We can protect ourselves from various infections by following certain simple methods. Handwashing is one of the easiest and most effective ways to protect oneself from germs and most infections. Wash your hands before preparing or eating food, eating and drinking, feeding an infant, tending to sick person(s), treating a cut or wound, touching contact lenses, after coughing or sneezing, changing a diaper, and using the toilet.
Vaccination is also considered as the best defense against certain diseases. Many vaccines are given in childhood to provide protection against infections like diphtheria , pertussis , and others. Adults, however, still need to be routinely vaccinated to prevent some illnesses, such as tetanus and influenza. Medicines offer protection against particular germs. For example, an antiparasitic medication might keep you from contracting malaria if you travel to or live in a risk-prone area.
• Our body sheds millions of skin cells everyday. • The “dust bunnies” below your bed are much more than dust. They also contain your hair and sloughed-off skin cells.
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