he would haven been able to fight off otherwise. AIDS is the advanced stage of the HIV infection and can take 10 to 15 years to develop. AIDS affects organ systems of the body, making its victims weaker with time. Stages of HIV Infection There are three stages of HIV infection. Acute HIV: This stage lasts for one or two weeks after contracting the infection. People experience flu-like symptoms as the infection spreads rapidly throughout the body. Asymptomatic HIV: This stage can last for years. The person does not have any symptoms and may not know he or she is infected. Symptomatic HIV or AIDS: This stage lasts for one to three years. This is the stage in which the patient can become very ill with multiple diseases. Means of Transmission

HIV can be transmitted from one person to another. Having multiple sexual partners or unprotected sex are typical ways of HIV transmission. Physical relations with someone suffering from HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) increase the chances of contracting the virus. Sharing contaminated needles or syringes used by an HIV-infected person is another common means of transmission. HIV can also be transmitted during blood transfusions if the equipment is not sterilized , or by a woman to her baby during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding.


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