A mother white-tailed deer keeps a wary lookout, while its fawn takes a drink from a river. Although able to run well, the youngster is not yet fully aware of the dangers lurking in the world around it.
F or most adult humans, there can be few more precious moments than the birth of their child. With this new life comes renewed hope and the expectation of better things to come. From the point of view of the species as a whole, however, a baby is more than this. As part, albeit a very small part, of a new generation, the new child ensures the continu- ation of the very species itself through the genes carried in its cells and the promise of more generations to come. And so it is with all animals. At the core of the lives of all living things, the single most important purpose is to reproduce and, if possible, ensure that as many offspring survive for as long as possible—to the point where they themselves can repro- duce. Baby creatures of all species, whether cared for almost until adulthood (as in higher mammals) or abandoned at the egg stage (as in many amphibians), are the key to the survival of their particular species. Aside from their biological importance, there is no denying that baby animals are cute. With outsized heads and appealing eyes, young mammals in particular can look utterly adorable. In part, this book is intended as a celebration of young animals of all types. Their lives and the lives of their parents will be
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